The Hijabi in Sports – Muslimah Attire

The article about Sister Kulsoom Abdullah (the first hijabi in World Weightlifting Champions) on mosaicofmuslimwomen today reminded me of how I used to be in a dilemma, and being very uncomfortable each time we have physical education (P.E.) sessions in school.

As we know, in a secular school, the P.E. attire is just T-shirt and shorts. I remembered having to draft a letter to write in seeking permission so that I can wear long pants during the P.E. So, I did it in secondary school and also in junior college.

Alhamdulillah, the chance of being able to wear long pants is such a blessing. No worries at all of indecent exposure during stretching exercises, although it would be better if I could wear hijab as well.

And the best thing is in secondary school, one of the P.E. teachers was a male pervert, who disguised and falsified his documents so that he could have a chance to teach and flirt with the girls in my school. Sheessh…

Fortunately, the principal suspended him and reported him to the police.

Back to sis Kulsum, we are very proud of you. She has a PhD and also very active in weightlifting and crossfit.Image

And what I really like about her is her determination to wear proper hijab even while doing sports, where most Muslimahs will not (e.g. they probably reasoned out that the hijab and having an attire that covers up will be inconvenient to their movement in the sports. Or that the hijab is against the rules of the sports attire.). Well, sis Kulsoom has proven otherwise.

Respect Allah’s rules, inshaAllah, our activities will amplify in blessings.

Stay active always!

